
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 2 photos

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ID: 21895          Views: 155

Photo ID: 21895


Photographer: U.S. Navy / Jeremy L. Wood     More
Date: 10Apr2010
Location: unknown             
(Afghanistan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: (no registration)
CN9 35 10     More
Operator: Counter Narcotics Police of Afghanistan     More
Remarks: Narcotics operation of Afghan National Army in concert with Drug Enforcement Administration assisted by U.S. Special Operations Forces

ID: 21793          Views: 137

Photo ID: 21793


Photographer: Mr detonator     More
Date: 27Mar2019
Location: Kandahar   (OAKN / KDH)     More     
(Afghanistan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: 510
CN9 35 10     More
Operator: Afghanistan Security Forces Special Mission Wing     More

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