
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 5 photos

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ID: 22857          Views: 265

Photo ID: 22857


Photographer: William Gordon     More
Date:  Jul2016
Location: OFF Airport - Wrangel Island        More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-01232
CN54 102 45 06 7     More
Operator: DOSAAF Rossii     More

ID: 22859          Views: 127

Photo ID: 22859


Photographer: Alexey VVO     More
Date: 16Oct2016
Location: Novorossiya   (ZA99)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-01232
CN54 102 45 06 7     More
Operator: DOSAAF Rossii     More

ID: 22858          Views: 548

Photo ID: 22858


Photographer: Tony Fleming     More
Date:  2017
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-01232
CN54 102 45 06 7     More
Operator: DOSAAF Rossii     More

ID: 22856          Views: 288

Photo ID: 22856


Photographer: Wolfgang Jaekel     More
Date: 23Oct2018
Location: unknown             
(Antarctica)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-01232
CN54 102 45 06 7     More
Operator: DOSAAF Rossii     More
Remarks: Expedition to Snow Hill Island - take off from the icebreaker "Kapitan Khlebnikov"

ID: 9384          Views: 2031

Photo ID: 9384


Photographer: Roderick Eime     More
Date: 16Jul2005
Location: unknown             
(Arctica)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-01232
CN54 102 45 06 7     More
Operator: Granat     More
Remarks: Mi-2 helicopter flies from the deck of the ice-breaker Kapitan Khlebnikov over arctic pack ice near Wrangel Island.

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