
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 3 photos

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ID: 19554          Views: 627

Photo ID: 19554


Photographer: Jim van de Burgt     More
Date: 01Jul2019
Location: Kubinka   (UUMB)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24VM-3 with system L-370 "Vitebsk"     More
Registration / Serial: RF-13010   /   17 yellow
CN340 758 17129     More
Operator: Russian Aerospace Force     More

ID: 17341          Views: 819

Photo ID: 17341


Photographer: Igor Božinovski     More
Date: 19Oct2019
Location: Belgrade-Batajnica   (LYBT / BJY)     More     
(Serbia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24VM-3 with system L-370 "Vitebsk"     More
Registration / Serial: RF-13010   /   17 yellow
CN340 758 17129     More
Operator: Russian Aerospace Force     More
Remarks: Sloboda 2019 (Freedom 2019) demonstration marking the 75th anniversary of Belgrads liberation from Nazi occupation

ID: 16075          Views: 804

Photo ID: 16075


Photographer: Kirill Naumenko     More
Date:  Jul2019
Location: Kubinka   (UUMB)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24VM-3 with system L-370 "Vitebsk"     More
Registration / Serial: RF-13010   /   17 yellow
CN340 758 17129     More
Operator: Russian Aerospace Force     More

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