
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 3 photos

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ID: 24096          Views: 77

Photo ID: 24096


Photographer: Sam Wise     More
Date: 28Mar2024
Location: Banja Luka-Mahovljani   (LQBK / BNX)     More     
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 12268
CN109 44     More
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina     More

ID: 21584          Views: 214

Photo ID: 21584


Photographer: Lowpass Aviation     More
Date:  Mar2018
Location: Banja Luka-Zalužani   (LQBZ)     More     
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 12268
CN109 44     More
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina     More

ID: 7806          Views: 1270

Photo ID: 7806


Photographer: Phil Adkin     More
Date: 07Feb2012
Location: Banja Luka-Zalužani   (LQBZ)     More     
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 12268
CN109 44     More
Operator: Air Force and Air Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina     More

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