
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 5 photos

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ID: 22221          Views: 164

Photo ID: 22221


Photographer: unknown     
Date: 02Aug2011
Location: Kabul   (OAKB / KBL)     More     
(Afghanistan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-17-1V     More
Registration / Serial: 805
CN108 M05     More
Operator: Afghanistan Security Forces Special Mission Wing     More

ID: 18258          Views: 443

Photo ID: 18258


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date:  Sep1993
Location: Líne   (LKLN)     More     
(Czech Republic)     More
Aircraft: Mi-17     More
Registration / Serial: 0805
CN108 M05     More
Operator: 11th Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 16128          Views: 875

Photo ID: 16128


Photographer: Collection Frank Tornow     More
Date:  Aug1998
Location: Hradec Králové   (LKHK)     More     
(Czech Republic)     More
Aircraft: Mi-17     More
Registration / Serial: 0805
CN108 M05     More
Operator: 34th Training Air Base     More

ID: 12315          Views: 1065

Photo ID: 12315


Photographer: Daniël Obers     More
Date:  Mar2008
Location: unknown             
(Afghanistan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-17-1V     More
Registration / Serial: YA-10805
CN108 M05     More
Operator: Afghan Ministry of Interior     More

ID: 6530          Views: 2177

Photo ID: 6530


Photographer: Clive Hindmarch     More
Date: 11Apr2010
Location: Kabul   (OAKB / KBL)     More     
(Afghanistan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-17-1V     More
Registration / Serial: YA-10805
CN108 M05     More
Operator: Afghan Ministry of Interior     More

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