
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 37 photos

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ID: 24226          Views: 55

Photo ID: 24226


Photographer: Maciek Zachara     More
Date: 02Oct2012
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3A P     More
Registration / Serial: 0619
CN36.06.19     More
Operator: 1st Transport Aviation Base     More

ID: 23831          Views: 83

Photo ID: 23831


Photographer: Andrzej Rejter     More
Date: 04Oct2011
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3RL     More
Registration / Serial: 0520
CN36.05.20     More
Operator: 33rd Transport Aviation Base     More

ID: 23721          Views: 189

Photo ID: 23721


Photographer: Mr detonator     More
Date: 24May2011
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 655
CN106 55     More
Operator: 1st (37th) Army Aviation Wing     More

ID: 12779          Views: 1364

Photo ID: 12779


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 06Oct2009
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3RL     More
Registration / Serial: 0418
CN31.04.18     More
Operator: 2nd Search and Rescue Group     More

ID: 12778          Views: 1211

Photo ID: 12778


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 06Oct2009
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3WA     More
Registration / Serial: 0613
CN36.06.13     More
Operator: 66th Aviation Wing     More

ID: 12333          Views: 5826

Photo ID: 12333


Photographer: Paweł Glink     More
Date: 11Oct2010
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2P     More
Registration / Serial: 4711
CN53 47 11 03 6     More
Operator: 29th Darłowo Naval Aviation Squadron     More

ID: 8885          Views: 1786

Photo ID: 8885


Photographer: Jacek Wójcis     More
Date: 02Oct2012
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-14PL (upgrade by WZL-1)     More
Registration / Serial: 1010
CNA10 10     More
Operator: Aviation Group Darłowo of the 44th Kashubian-Darłowo Naval Aviation Base     More
Remarks: exercise "ZLOT 2012"

ID: 8887          Views: 2249

Photo ID: 8887


Photographer: Jacek Wójcis     More
Date: 02Oct2012
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3RL     More
Registration / Serial: 0502
CN31.05.02     More
Operator: 1st Search and Rescue Group     More
Remarks: exercise "ZLOT 2012"

ID: 8886          Views: 2173

Photo ID: 8886


Photographer: Jacek Wójcis     More
Date: 02Oct2012
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3T Sokół     More
Registration / Serial: 0304
CN31.03.04     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More
Remarks: exercise "ZLOT 2012"

ID: 8888          Views: 1648

Photo ID: 8888


Photographer: Jacek Wójcis     More
Date: 02Oct2012
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2D     More
Registration / Serial: 5245
CN51 52 45 07 7     More
Operator: Aviation Group of the 43rd Oksywska Naval Aviation Base     More
Remarks: exercise "ZLOT 2012"

ID: 7131          Views: 2658

Photo ID: 7131


Photographer: Paweł Bondaryk     More
Date: 04Oct2011
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL SW-4     More
Registration / Serial: 6615
CN66.03.11     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More

ID: 7129          Views: 2484

Photo ID: 7129


Photographer: Paweł Bondaryk     More
Date: 04Oct2011
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2T     More
Registration / Serial: 6046
CN51 60 46 04 9     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More
Remarks: special painting to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Mi-2 maiden flight

ID: 7128          Views: 2618

Photo ID: 7128


Photographer: Paweł Bondaryk     More
Date: 04Oct2011
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2T     More
Registration / Serial: 6046
CN51 60 46 04 9     More
Operator: 41st Training Aviation Base     More
Remarks: special painting to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Mi-2 maiden flight

ID: 4755          Views: 1197

Photo ID: 4755


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2URP (modernized NVG)     More
Registration / Serial: 6947
CN56 69 47 12 0     More
Operator: 56th Combat Helicopters Regiment     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 4750          Views: 1128

Photo ID: 4750


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: 6106
CN9 32 87     More
Operator: 1st (37th) Army Aviation Wing     More

ID: 4753          Views: 1464

Photo ID: 4753


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3WA     More
Registration / Serial: 0807
CN36.08.07     More
Operator: 66th Aviation Wing     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 4749          Views: 1304

Photo ID: 4749


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: 6106
CN9 32 87     More
Operator: 1st (37th) Army Aviation Wing     More

ID: 2574          Views: 1620

Photo ID: 2574


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3RL     More
Registration / Serial: 0415
CN31.04.15     More
Operator: 3rd Transport-Liaison Aviation Squadron     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 4748          Views: 1097

Photo ID: 4748


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: 6106
CN9 32 87     More
Operator: 1st (37th) Army Aviation Wing     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 4754          Views: 1604

Photo ID: 4754


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3W (NS23 and pylons removed)     More
Registration / Serial: 0517
CN36.05.17     More
Operator: Search and Rescue Aviation Group of 2nd Air Transport and Liaison Squadron     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 2824          Views: 1314

Photo ID: 2824


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: 6106
CN9 32 87     More
Operator: 1st (37th) Army Aviation Wing     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 4752          Views: 1515

Photo ID: 4752


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8RL-PS (upgrade by WZL-1)     More
Registration / Serial: 627
CN106 27     More
Operator: 13th Transport Aviation Squadron     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 4751          Views: 1687

Photo ID: 4751


Photographer: Miłosz Rusiecki     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8RL-PS (upgrade by WZL-1)     More
Registration / Serial: 627
CN106 27     More
Operator: 13th Transport Aviation Squadron     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 4677          Views: 1828

Photo ID: 4677


Photographer: Marcin Przeworski     More
Date: 15May2007
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3WA     More
Registration / Serial: 0910
CN36.09.10     More
Operator: 66th Aviation Wing     More

ID: 4083          Views: 894

Photo ID: 4083


Photographer: Marcus Fülber     More
Date: 28May2007
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8PS     More
Registration / Serial: 631
CN106 31     More
Operator: 36th Special Aviation Regiment of Transport     More

ID: 2762          Views: 2496

Photo ID: 2762


Photographer: Rob Hendriks     More
Date: 27Apr2000
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2RL     More
Registration / Serial: 4545
CN54 45 45 01 6     More
Operator: 3rd Fighter Aviation Regiment     More

ID: 2761          Views: 3107

Photo ID: 2761


Photographer: Rob Hendriks     More
Date: 27Apr2000
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2RL     More
Registration / Serial: 1046
CN56 10 46 05 9     More
Operator: 3rd Fighter Aviation Regiment     More

ID: 2580          Views: 802

Photo ID: 2580


Photographer: Michal Przybysz     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2D     More
Registration / Serial: 3802
CN51 38 02 09 4     More
Operator: 49th Combat Helicopter Regiment     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 2573          Views: 1426

Photo ID: 2573


Photographer: Michal Przybysz     More
Date: 27May2008
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3RL     More
Registration / Serial: 0415
CN31.04.15     More
Operator: 3rd Transport-Liaison Aviation Squadron     More
Remarks: ZLOT 2008

ID: 1966          Views: 2975

Photo ID: 1966


Photographer: Aleksandra Rozenbaum     More
Date: 11Nov2006
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8RL-PS (upgrade by WZL-1)     More
Registration / Serial: 619
CN106 19     More
Operator: 13th Transport Aviation Squadron     More

ID: 1967          Views: 2751

Photo ID: 1967


Photographer: Aleksandra Rozenbaum     More
Date: 11Nov2006
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8RL-PS (upgrade by WZL-1)     More
Registration / Serial: 619
CN106 19     More
Operator: 13th Transport Aviation Squadron     More

ID: 1968          Views: 3350

Photo ID: 1968


Photographer: Aleksandra Rozenbaum     More
Date: 11Nov2006
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2Ch     More
Registration / Serial: 7837
CN51 78 37 10 2     More
Operator: 1st Aviation Training Centre     More

ID: 1954          Views: 2383

Photo ID: 1954


Photographer: Aleksandra Rozenbaum     More
Date: 26Jun2007
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3RL     More
Registration / Serial: 0519
CN36.05.19     More
Operator: 3rd Transport-Liaison Aviation Squadron     More

ID: 1953          Views: 2340

Photo ID: 1953


Photographer: Aleksandra Rozenbaum     More
Date: 26Jun2007
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3RL     More
Registration / Serial: 0519
CN36.05.19     More
Operator: 3rd Transport-Liaison Aviation Squadron     More

ID: 2043          Views: 2259

Photo ID: 2043


Photographer: Aleksandra Rozenbaum     More
Date: 09Oct2004
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2RL     More
Registration / Serial: 4545
CN54 45 45 01 6     More
Operator: 3rd Aviation Squadron     More

ID: 1965          Views: 2622

Photo ID: 1965


Photographer: Aleksandra Rozenbaum     More
Date: 11Nov2006
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL W-3RL     More
Registration / Serial: 0502
CN31.05.02     More
Operator: Search and Rescue Aviation Group of 2nd Air Transport and Liaison Squadron     More

ID: 1265          Views: 1497

Photo ID: 1265


Photographer: Piotr Sikorski     More
Date: 09Nov2006
Location: Poznań-Krzesiny   (EPKS)     More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL SW-4     More
Registration / Serial: 0203
CN66.02.03     More
Operator: 1st Aviation Training Centre     More

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