
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 6 photos

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ID: 7180          Views: 1199

Photo ID: 7180


Photographer: Sebastian Szatyłowicz     More
Date: 11Aug2009
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2P     More
Registration / Serial: 1449
CN53 14 49 04 0     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Armed Forces     More

ID: 5125          Views: 1588

Photo ID: 5125


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date: 25Aug2008
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 0614
CN06 14     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Armed Forces     More

ID: 5126          Views: 1365

Photo ID: 5126


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date: 25Aug2008
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 0614
CN06 14     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Armed Forces     More

ID: 5124          Views: 1581

Photo ID: 5124


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date: 25Aug2008
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2P     More
Registration / Serial: 1449
CN53 14 49 04 0     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Armed Forces     More

ID: 2286          Views: 1484

Photo ID: 2286


Photographer: Tomek Spólnicki     More
Date: 25Aug2008
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2P     More
Registration / Serial: 1449
CN53 14 49 04 0     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Armed Forces     More
URL: http://myaviation.net

ID: 2576          Views: 1155

Photo ID: 2576


Photographer: Michal Przybysz     More
Date: 17May2008
Location: OFF Airport - Warsaw        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2P     More
Registration / Serial: 1449
CN53 14 49 04 0     More
Operator: Museum of Polish Armed Forces     More
Remarks: Night of Museums

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