
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 9 photos

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ID: 23443          Views: 117

Photo ID: 23443


Photographer: Nemo.04     More
Date: 21Feb2024
Location: Vung Tau   (VVVT / VTG)     More     
(Vietnam)     More
Aircraft: Mi-172     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8427
CN704 C08     More
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More

ID: 23442          Views: 211

Photo ID: 23442


Photographer: Nemo.04     More
Date: 21Feb2024
Location: Vung Tau   (VVVT / VTG)     More     
(Vietnam)     More
Aircraft: Mi-17-1V     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8406
CN223 M43     More
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More

ID: 19762          Views: 726

Photo ID: 19762


Photographer: VNH South     More
Date: 17Apr2014
Location: unknown             
(Vietnam)     More
Aircraft: Mi-172     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8426
CN704 C07     More
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More

ID: 14572          Views: 2025

Photo ID: 14572


Photographer: Huy Do     More
Date: 11Sep2017
Location: Vung Tau   (VVVT / VTG)     More     
(Vietnam)     More
Aircraft: Mi-172     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8426
CN704 C07     More
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More

ID: 14570          Views: 1940

Photo ID: 14570


Photographer: Huy Do     More
Date: 11Sep2017
Location: Vung Tau   (VVVT / VTG)     More     
(Vietnam)     More
Aircraft: Mi-17-1V     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8410
CN201 M07     More
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More

ID: 14571          Views: 1914

Photo ID: 14571


Photographer: Huy Do     More
Date: 11Sep2017
Location: Vung Tau   (VVVT / VTG)     More     
(Vietnam)     More
Aircraft: Mi-17-1V     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8406
CN223 M43     More
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More

ID: 14576          Views: 2194

Photo ID: 14576


Photographer: Vietnam Helicopter Corporation     More
Date:  2017
Location: Dumai   (WIBD / DUM)     More     
(Indonesia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-172     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8427
CN704 C08     More
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More
Remarks: From April to October 2017, two Mi-172 helicopters of the Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company were operated in Indonesia for fire fighting.

ID: 14575          Views: 2103

Photo ID: 14575


Photographer: Vietnam Helicopter Corporation     More
Date: 01Feb2016
Location: unknown             
(Vietnam)     More
Aircraft: Mi-172     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8427
CN704 C08     More
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More

ID: 9173          Views: 1412

Photo ID: 9173


Photographer: Tran Viet Dizon     More
Date: 18May2013
Location: OFF Airport - Bien Dong gas field        More     
(Vietnam)     More
Aircraft: Mi-172     More
Registration / Serial: VN-8420      
Operator: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company     More

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