
by Thomas Girke

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Photo Gallery

Your search returned 32 photos

ordered by  showing 

ID: 22901          Views: 207

Photo ID: 22901


Photographer: Orix     More
Date: 24Sep2012
Location: Lielvarde M Sola   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMS
CN9 91 47420     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 20289          Views: 382

Photo ID: 20289


Photographer: Mads Oyen     More
Date: 21Apr2021
Location: Pibor   (HSPI)     More     
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT   /   UNO078H
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 20291          Views: 249

Photo ID: 20291


Photographer: Tomasz Kępanowski     More
Date: 27Nov2015
Location: unknown             
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT   /   UNO-077H
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 20288          Views: 234

Photo ID: 20288


Photographer: Boris Vetrov     More
Date: 17Mar2014
Location: unknown             
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT   /   UNO-078H
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 20290          Views: 479

Photo ID: 20290


Photographer: unknown     
Date:  2014
Location: unknown             
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT   /   UNO-078H
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 20287          Views: 270

Photo ID: 20287


Photographer: AndreyN     More
Date: 31Oct2020
Location: Tallinn        More     
(Estonia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMI
CN82 29     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 20286          Views: 493

Photo ID: 20286


Photographer: Marilena Chatziantoniou     More
Date: 21Jan2012
Location: unknown             
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMI   /   UN-08W
CN82 29     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 20126          Views: 276

Photo ID: 20126


Photographer: Mads Oyen     More
Date: 20Nov2020
Location: Wiechjol        More     
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMN   /   UNO-077H
CN82 30     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 17525          Views: 668

Photo ID: 17525


Photographer: Aleksandr Podolyan     More
Date: 20Mar2017
Location: Juba   (HSSJ / JUB)     More     
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMI   /   UNO-077H
CN82 29     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 14542          Views: 2174

Photo ID: 14542


Photographer: Vytautas Martūzas     More
Date: 05Aug2015
Location: Kaunas-Gamykla   (EYKG)     More     
(Lithuania)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMN
CN82 30     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 14488          Views: 1060

Photo ID: 14488


Photographer: Bulldog & Cat     More
Date: 19May2018
Location: M-Sola Heliport   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMN
CN82 30     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 14114          Views: 1281

Photo ID: 14114


Photographer: Guido Potters     More
Date: 08Nov2012
Location: Bukavu-Kavumu   (FZMA / BKY)     More     
(Democratic Republic of the Congo)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMI   /   UN-08W
CN82 29     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 12661          Views: 2405

Photo ID: 12661


Photographer: Fabio de Nicola     More
Date: 29Aug2015
Location: Pescara   (LIBP / PSR)     More     
(Italy)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HME
CN9 91 47444     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 12660          Views: 2257

Photo ID: 12660


Photographer: Fabio de Nicola     More
Date: 29Aug2015
Location: Pescara   (LIBP / PSR)     More     
(Italy)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HME
CN9 91 47444     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 12309          Views: 2082

Photo ID: 12309


Photographer: Fabio de Nicola     More
Date: 29Aug2015
Location: Pescara   (LIBP / PSR)     More     
(Italy)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HME
CN9 91 47444     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 12308          Views: 2316

Photo ID: 12308


Photographer: Fabio de Nicola     More
Date: 29Aug2015
Location: Pescara   (LIBP / PSR)     More     
(Italy)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HME
CN9 91 47444     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 9814          Views: 2431

Photo ID: 9814


Photographer: J. S. Horne     More
Date: 13Sep2013
Location: unknown             
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT   /   UN038W
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 9813          Views: 2578

Photo ID: 9813


Photographer: J. S. Horne     More
Date: 13Sep2013
Location: unknown             
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT   /   UN038W
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 9812          Views: 2955

Photo ID: 9812


Photographer: J. S. Horne     More
Date: 13Sep2013
Location: unknown             
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT   /   UN038W
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 9811          Views: 1945

Photo ID: 9811


Photographer: J. S. Horne     More
Date: 13Sep2013
Location: unknown             
(Southern Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMS   /   UNO-37W
CN9 91 47420     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More
URL: https://www.flickr.com

ID: 6820          Views: 1555

Photo ID: 6820


Photographer: Smit ZhiFei     More
Date: 06Mar2011
Location: Phuket   (VTSP / HKT)     More     
(Thailand)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT   /   UN34W
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 6383          Views: 1680

Photo ID: 6383


Photographer: ASU Baltija     More
Date: 20Jun2009
Location: Lielvarde M Sola   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMN
CN82 30     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 6384          Views: 1786

Photo ID: 6384


Photographer: ASU Baltija     More
Date: 23Jun2009
Location: Lielvarde M Sola   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMN
CN82 30     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More
Remarks: Engine Air Particle Separator manufactured by Pall (part number QB0371)

ID: 6382          Views: 4622

Photo ID: 6382


Photographer: ASU Baltija     More
Date: 22Jun2009
Location: Lielvarde M Sola   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMN
CN82 30     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 6387          Views: 1574

Photo ID: 6387


Photographer: ASU Baltija     More
Date: 05Sep2009
Location: Lielvarde M Sola   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 6386          Views: 1817

Photo ID: 6386


Photographer: ASU Baltija     More
Date: 05Sep2009
Location: Lielvarde M Sola   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 6388          Views: 1394

Photo ID: 6388


Photographer: ASU Baltija     More
Date: 05Sep2009
Location: Lielvarde M Sola   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 6385          Views: 1602

Photo ID: 6385


Photographer: ASU Baltija     More
Date: 05Sep2009
Location: Lielvarde M Sola   (EVSM)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T (upgrade by ASU Baltija)     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMT
CN82 35     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 6389          Views: 1722

Photo ID: 6389


Photographer: GM Helicopters     More
Date: 02Feb2008
Location: Khartoum   (HSSS / KRT)     More     
(Sudan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMI
CN82 29     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 1217          Views: 1385

Photo ID: 1217


Photographer: Bogdan Braniewski     More
Date: 16Aug2005
Location: Riga   (EVRA / RIX)     More     
(Latvia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMA
CN48 86     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More

ID: 62          Views: 1365

Photo ID: 62


Photographer: Choo R. X.     More
Date: 22Aug2004
Location: Singapore-Marina South        More     
(Singapore)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMA
CN48 86     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More
URL: http://myaviation.net

ID: 168          Views: 1682

Photo ID: 168


Photographer: Olaf Juergensmeier     More
Date: 10Nov2004
Location: Seletar   (WSSL / XSP)     More     
(Singapore)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: YL-HMA
CN48 86     More
Operator: GM Helicopters     More
URL: http://myaviation.net

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