
by Thomas Girke

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ID: 9641          Views: 2662

Photo ID: 9641


Photographer: Arkadi Kataev     More
Date: 12Mar2013
Location: Yekaterinburg-Koltsovo   (USSS / SVX)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22868
CN9 84 15601     More
Operator: Helix     More

ID: 24843          Views: 40

Photo ID: 24843


Photographer: Pavel Fetisov     More
Date: 03Oct2024
Location: Buzuluk   (XWOB)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-00571
CN54 93 18 07 5     More
Operator: ROSTO     More

ID: 24842          Views: 38

Photo ID: 24842


Photographer: Pavel Fetisov     More
Date: 03Oct2024
Location: Buzuluk   (XWOB)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-00572
CN54 87 04 05 4     More
Operator: ROSTO     More

ID: 24838          Views: 48

Photo ID: 24838


Photographer: Hugo Mambour     More
Date: 10Jun1993
Location: Oranienburg        More     
(Germany)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6AYa (Mi-22)     More
Registration / Serial: 51 red
CN06 68 V     More
Operator: 113th Independent Helicopter Squadron     More

ID: 24837          Views: 52

Photo ID: 24837


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date:  Apr1993
Location: Oranienburg        More     
(Germany)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 56 red
CN9 68 43 07 V     More
Operator: 239th Independent Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 24841          Views: 54

Photo ID: 24841


Photographer: Collection Frank Tornow     More
Date: 01Jul1992
Location: Novosibirsk-Severny        More     
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6A     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-21022
CN05 65 V     More
Operator: Aeroflot     More

ID: 24840          Views: 40

Photo ID: 24840


Photographer: Collection Frank Tornow     More
Date: 02Jul1992
Location: Nyurba        More     Map
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6A     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-21008
CN02 41 V     More
Operator: Aeroflot     More

ID: 24839          Views: 55

Photo ID: 24839


Photographer: Collection Frank Tornow     More
Date: 02Jul1992
Location: Nyurba        More     Map
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6A     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-21003
CN74 73 10 V     More
Operator: Aeroflot     More

ID: 24836          Views: 76

Photo ID: 24836


Photographer: PZL Mielec     More
Date:  Sep2024
Location: OFF Airport - Kielce        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL S-70i Black Hawk     More
Registration / Serial: SP-YVL
CN705354     More
Operator: PZL Mielec     More
Remarks: display MSPO 2024

ID: 24835          Views: 154

Photo ID: 24835


Photographer: Wiktor Taszłow     More
Date: 03Sep2024
Location: OFF Airport - Kielce        More     
(Poland)     More
Aircraft: PZL S-70i Black Hawk     More
Registration / Serial: SP-YVL
CN705354     More
Operator: PZL Mielec     More
Remarks: display MSPO 2024

ID: 24834          Views: 105

Photo ID: 24834


Photographer: Rostec     More
Date: 12Aug2024
Location: Kubinka   (UUMB)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: ANSAT-M     More
Registration / Serial: (no registration)      
Operator: Russian Helicopters     More
Remarks: display Forum "Army-2024"

ID: 24833          Views: 94

Photo ID: 24833


Photographer: Russian Helicopters     More
Date:  Oct2024
Location: Kazan-Osnovnoi   (UWKD / KZN)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: ANSAT     More
Registration / Serial: (no registration)      
Operator: Russian Helicopters     More
Remarks: Russian Helicopters exhibition at the XVI BRICS summit in Kazan

ID: 24832          Views: 129

Photo ID: 24832


Photographer: Russian Helicopters     More
Date:  Oct2024
Location: Kazan-Osnovnoi   (UWKD / KZN)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-38     More
Registration / Serial: RA-14342      
Operator: Russian Helicopters     More
Remarks: Russian Helicopters exhibition at the XVI BRICS summit in Kazan

ID: 24831          Views: 39

Photo ID: 24831


Photographer: Oleg Podkladov     More
Date: 09Jun2007
Location: Chernoye   (XUMH)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-00582
CN54 102 02 03 7     More
Operator: ROSTO     More

ID: 24830          Views: 70

Photo ID: 24830


Photographer: Denis Kozhevnikov     More
Date: 20Apr2019
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-24120
CN9 88 39911     More
Operator: Taimyr     More

ID: 24829          Views: 55

Photo ID: 24829


Photographer: Oleg Chaplin     More
Date: 21Jun2024
Location: BurEnergo   (HG3E)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-24120
CN9 88 39911     More
Operator: UTair - Helicopter Services     More

ID: 24828          Views: 41

Photo ID: 24828


Photographer: Oleg Chaplin     More
Date: 20Jun2024
Location: Tazovski   (USDT)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-24441
CN9 86 25989     More
Operator: UTair - Helicopter Services     More

ID: 24827          Views: 32

Photo ID: 24827


Photographer: Sergei Krivonosov     More
Date: 12Apr2016
Location: Turukhansk   (UOTT)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-24441
CN9 86 25989     More
Operator: Turukhan     More

ID: 24826          Views: 31

Photo ID: 24826


Photographer: airomsk     More
Date: 02Aug2024
Location: Tura MVL   (UNHT)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25383
CN9 82 08125     More
Operator: KrasAvia     More

ID: 23205          Views: 296

Photo ID: 23205


Photographer: airomsk     More
Date: 03Oct2023
Location: Krasnoyarsk-Cheremshanka   (UNKM)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25367
CN9 82 06873     More
Operator: KrasAvia     More

ID: 24825          Views: 31

Photo ID: 24825


Photographer: airomsk     More
Date: 14Mar2023
Location: Krasnoyarsk-Cheremshanka   (UNKM)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25367
CN9 82 06873     More
Operator: KrasAvia     More

ID: 23716          Views: 29

Photo ID: 23716


Photographer: Kirill Neyman     More
Date: 02Jun2024
Location: Omsk-Maryanovka   (XNOM)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: PZL Mi-2     More
Registration / Serial: RA-15629
CN52 100 50 01 7     More
Operator: unknown     

ID: 19308          Views: 45

Photo ID: 19308


Photographer: Oleg Chaplin     More
Date: 27Aug2024
Location: OFF Airport - Tyumen        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-24V     More
Registration / Serial: 78 yellow
CN353 242 1 0 14573     More
Operator: Russian Federal Border Guard     More

ID: 24820          Views: 32

Photo ID: 24820


Photographer: CK     More
Date: 13Sep2024
Location: Moscow-Vnukovo   (UUWW / VKO)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1S with defence suite     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25633 (2)
CN9 67 98     More
Operator: Rossiya - Special Flight Detachment     More

ID: 24823          Views: 49

Photo ID: 24823


Photographer: Jens Schymura     More
Date:  1994
Location: Oranienburg        More     
(Germany)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 60 red
CN6 68 29 01 V     More
Operator: 239th Independent Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 24822          Views: 54

Photo ID: 24822


Photographer: Thomas Girke     More
Date:  May1991
Location: Oranienburg        More     
(Germany)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6A     More
Registration / Serial: 70 red
CN01 32 V     More
Operator: 239th Independent Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 24821          Views: 47

Photo ID: 24821


Photographer: Yan Atyasov     More
Date: 19Oct2024
Location: Almaty   (UAAA / ALA)     More     
(Kazakhstan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8AMT     More
Registration / Serial: UP-MI878      
Operator: unknown     

ID: 24819          Views: 77

Photo ID: 24819


Photographer: Chris Lofting     More
Date: 05Jun1993
Location: Oranienburg        More     
(Germany)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6A     More
Registration / Serial: 80 red
CN01 31 V     More
Operator: 239th Independent Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 24818          Views: 38

Photo ID: 24818


Photographer: Chris Lofting     More
Date:  Jun1993
Location: Oranienburg        More     
(Germany)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6A     More
Registration / Serial: 70 red
CN01 32 V     More
Operator: 239th Independent Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 24817          Views: 74

Photo ID: 24817


Photographer: Chris Lofting     More
Date: 05Jun1993
Location: Oranienburg        More     
(Germany)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6A     More
Registration / Serial: 83 red
CN06 16 V     More
Operator: 239th Independent Helicopter Regiment     More

ID: 24816          Views: 41

Photo ID: 24816


Photographer: Aleksandr Listopad     More
Date: 13Aug2017
Location: Novosibirsk-Mochishche   (UNNM)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: RA-21887
CN7 68 31 07 V     More
Operator: unknown     

ID: 24815          Views: 37

Photo ID: 24815


Photographer: Aleksandr Listopad     More
Date: 13Aug2017
Location: Novosibirsk-Mochishche   (UNNM)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: RA-21887
CN7 68 31 07 V     More
Operator: unknown     

ID: 24814          Views: 35

Photo ID: 24814


Photographer: Petr Popelář     More
Date:  1968
Location: Moscow-Sheremetyevo    / SVO     More     
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-11292
CN7 68 33 05 V     More
Operator: State Scientific Research Institut of Civil Aviation     More

ID: 24813          Views: 37

Photo ID: 24813


Photographer: R. A. Scholefield     More
Date: 19Jun1965
Location: Paris-Le Bourget   (LFPB / LBG)     More     
(France)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-06174 (1)
CN5 68 20 10 V     More
Operator: MAP MVZ     More
Remarks: display Paris Airshow 1965

ID: 24812          Views: 35

Photo ID: 24812


Photographer: Eduard Onishchenko     More
Date: 31Jul1989
Location: Luhansk-Ostraya Mogila        More     
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 02 red      
Operator: Soviet Air Force     More

ID: 24811          Views: 36

Photo ID: 24811


Photographer: Vitali Kovtun     More
Date: 26May2006
Location: OFF Airport - Irkutsk        More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 86 red
CN4 68 19 01 V     More
Operator: Irkutsk Higher Military Aviation Engineering College     More

ID: 24810          Views: 37

Photo ID: 24810


Photographer: Anton     More
Date: 15Jun2006
Location: OFF Airport - Irkutsk        More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 86 red
CN4 68 19 01 V     More
Operator: Irkutsk Higher Military Aviation Engineering College     More

ID: 24809          Views: 40

Photo ID: 24809


Photographer: Dmitri Pichugin     More
Date: 23Jul2011
Location: OFF Airport - Konotop        More     
(Ukraine)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6AYa (Mi-22)     More
Registration / Serial: 12 yellow
CN06 99 V     More
Operator: Konotop Museum of Aviation     More

ID: 24808          Views: 39

Photo ID: 24808


Photographer: Yerbol Yespol     More
Date: 01Mar2012
Location: OFF Airport - Aktobe        More     
(Kazakhstan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6PS     More
Registration / Serial: 53 yellow      
Operator: Military Institute of Air Defence Forces     More

ID: 24807          Views: 47

Photo ID: 24807


Photographer: Charles Osta     More
Date: 21Apr1993
Location: Novosibirsk-Severny   (UNCC)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 52 red
CN71 56 03 V     More
Operator: Russian Air Force     More

ID: 24806          Views: 32

Photo ID: 24806


Photographer: Jessnsk     More
Date: 07Mar2009
Location: OFF Airport - Kochenevo        More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 25 yellow
CN9 68 4. .. V     More
Operator: private     More

ID: 24805          Views: 41

Photo ID: 24805


Photographer: Youri Kabernik     More
Date:  Oct2006
Location: Khabarovsk   (UHHT / MVL)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6PS     More
Registration / Serial: 04 blue
CN71 53 06 V     More
Operator: Russian Air Force     More

ID: 24804          Views: 44

Photo ID: 24804


Photographer: Youri Kabernik     More
Date:  Oct2006
Location: Khabarovsk   (UHHT / MVL)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 03 blue
CN71 54 06 V     More
Operator: Russian Air Force     More

ID: 24803          Views: 44

Photo ID: 24803


Photographer: The Fokker Aircraft Page     More
Date: 10May2011
Location: OFF Airport - Beijing        More     
(Peoples Republic of China)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 0122
CN71 07 45     More
Operator: Civil Aviation Museum     More

ID: 24802          Views: 40

Photo ID: 24802


Photographer: Aleksandr Medvedev     More
Date:  Oct2013
Location: Moscow-Lyubertsy (Panki)   (XUCL)     More     Map
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 19 yellow
CN72 63 04 V     More
Operator: Museum Lyubertsy-Panki     More

ID: 24801          Views: 77

Photo ID: 24801


Photographer: Nikolai Yakubovich     More
Date:  Aug1989
Location: Moscow-Khodynka        More     
(Soviet Union)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-13322
CN72 63 04 V     More
Operator: Aeroflot     More
Remarks: display MosAeroshow 1989

ID: 24799          Views: 91

Photo ID: 24799


Photographer: unknown     
Date:  Oct1973
Location: Iruma   (RJTJ)     More     
(Japan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-13322
CN72 63 04 V     More
Operator: Aeroflot     More
Remarks: display Japan International Aerospace Show 1973

ID: 24800          Views: 75

Photo ID: 24800


Photographer: unknown     
Date:  Oct1973
Location: Iruma   (RJTJ)     More     
(Japan)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-13322
CN72 63 04 V     More
Operator: Aeroflot     More
Remarks: display Japan International Aerospace Show 1973

ID: 24798          Views: 34

Photo ID: 24798


Photographer: unknown     
Date:  1967
Location: unknown             
(France)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6PZh     More
Registration / Serial: CCCP-06174 (1)
CN5 68 20 10 V     More
Operator: MAP MVZ     More

ID: 24797          Views: 57

Photo ID: 24797


Photographer: Nick Challoner     More
Date: 06Dec2015
Location: OFF Airport - Beijing        More     
(Peoples Republic of China)     More
Aircraft: Mi-6     More
Registration / Serial: 0122
CN71 07 45     More
Operator: Civil Aviation Museum     More

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