
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 5 photos

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ID: 16740          Views: 673

Photo ID: 16740


Photographer: Aleksei Reznichenko     More
Date:  Mar2020
Location: Longyearbyen-Svalbard   (ENSB / LYR)     More     
(Norway)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8AMT     More
Registration / Serial: RA-24747 (2)
CN8AMT.00.643.18.7757.U     More
Operator: Arktikugol     More

ID: 13894          Views: 1039

Photo ID: 13894


Photographer: Aleksei Reznichenko     More
Date: 28Apr2015
Location: Longyearbyen-Svalbard   (ENSB / LYR)     More     
(Norway)     More
Aircraft: Mi-171C     More
Registration / Serial: RA-22312 (2)
CN171C.00.643.11.6106.U     More
Operator: Arktikugol     More

ID: 6795          Views: 1024

Photo ID: 6795


Photographer: unknown     
Date: 17May2005
Location: Longyearbyen-Svalbard   (ENSB / LYR)     More     
(Norway)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25183
CN9 55 22     More
Operator: Airlines of the Central District     More

ID: 6785          Views: 1397

Photo ID: 6785


Photographer: Aleksei Reznichenko     More
Date: 03Oct2010
Location: Longyearbyen-Svalbard   (ENSB / LYR)     More     
(Norway)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25183
CN9 55 22     More
Operator: Arktikugol     More

ID: 1525          Views: 1271

Photo ID: 1525


Photographer: Sandro Heldstab     More
Date: 01Jul2005
Location: Longyearbyen-Svalbard   (ENSB / LYR)     More     
(Norway)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25183
CN9 55 22     More
Operator: Airlines of the Central District     More
URL: http://myaviation.net

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