
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 3 photos

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ID: 21205          Views: 110

Photo ID: 21205


Photographer: Fabien Campillo     More
Date: 28Aug2014
Location: Payerne   (LSMP)     More     
(Switzerland)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: 213
CN9 60 55     More
Operator: Croatian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 4525          Views: 1293

Photo ID: 4525


Photographer: Teemu Tuuri     More
Date: 09May2009
Location: Split   (LDSP / SPU)     More     
(Croatia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: H-213
CN9 60 55     More
Operator: Croatian Air Force and Air Defence     More

ID: 1344          Views: 1241

Photo ID: 1344


Photographer: Branko Cesljas     More
Date: 05Aug2005
Location: Knin        More     
(Croatia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-1     More
Registration / Serial: H-213
CN9 60 55     More
Operator: Croatian Air Force and Air Defence     More
URL: http://myaviation.net

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