
by Thomas Girke

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Your search returned 9 photos

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ID: 9718          Views: 1479

Photo ID: 9718


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 23Jan2014
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-2     More
Registration / Serial: 18 blue
CN9 70 04     More
Operator: Russian Air Force     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

ID: 10661          Views: 1769

Photo ID: 10661


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 16Aug2014
Location: Levashovo   (XLLV)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-2     More
Registration / Serial: RF-17572   /   63 red
CN9 67 54     More
Operator: Russian Air Force     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

ID: 10660          Views: 1844

Photo ID: 10660


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 16Aug2014
Location: Levashovo   (XLLV)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8PS     More
Registration / Serial: RF-19004   /   51 red
CN81 66     More
Operator: Russian Air Force     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

ID: 10662          Views: 1763

Photo ID: 10662


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 16Aug2014
Location: Levashovo   (XLLV)     More     
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MT     More
Registration / Serial: RF-92563   /   55 red
CN9 46 47     More
Operator: Russian Air Force     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

ID: 9379          Views: 1842

Photo ID: 9379


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 23Jan2014
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8MTV-2     More
Registration / Serial: 20 blue
CN9 70..     More
Operator: Russian Air Force     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

ID: 10663          Views: 1811

Photo ID: 10663


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 25Nov2013
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: 07 yellow
CN82 16     More
Operator: Russian Ministry of the Interior     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

ID: 9378          Views: 1581

Photo ID: 9378


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 28Jun2013
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8AT     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25524
CN9 76 54 13     More
Operator: Baltic Airlines     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

ID: 9377          Views: 1937

Photo ID: 9377


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 28Jun2013
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8AT     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25524
CN9 76 54 13     More
Operator: Baltic Airlines     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

ID: 9376          Views: 1674

Photo ID: 9376


Photographer: dimon-virus-ryazanov     More
Date: 03Apr2013
Location: unknown             
(Russia)     More
Aircraft: Mi-8T     More
Registration / Serial: RA-25357
CN9 82 06778     More
Operator: Aviatsiya Obshchego Naznacheniya     More
URL: http://fotki.yandex.ru

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